Member Directory

Activity Proposal Forms

Please take a look at the forms below!
Member Private Event Form
Active, Heritage and Honorary members receive complimentary use of the venue for their own wedding ceremony/reception booked Sunday-Friday (no holiday weekends) pending date availability (members must be Active members for a minimum of 2 years). All other venue rentals for Active, Heritage and Honorary members are at the preferred discount of 25% off current rental rates.
Your application and dates requested will be promptly reviewed by the Director of Events, and coordinated with the President and Director of Membership. You will be contacted by the Director of Events following review.
Members must be in good standing.
Member Proposed Activity Form
Member Bride room Rental Form
Due to City of Norfolk zoning laws the Bride’s room may only be rented on a weekly basis, guests are not required to remain all seven nights, but we may not prorate. Member agrees to sign additional WCN guest policy pending availability of room. Regretfully, due to the historic nature of the property, no guests under 12 years of age permitted, no pets or smoking on premises. The Bride’s room sleeps 2 in a queen size bed. Members must be in good standing.
Pending timely review by the Director of Events, in cooperation with the President and Director of Membership, Member will be promptly contacted by the Director of Events. All payments received in advance.

Any questions, comments or suggestions may be emailed to the president, vice president or second vice-president
Club Dues

Dues and initiation fees are proposed bi-annually by the board of directors. Dues can be paid on PayPal and are due by September 30th
• Please see our Membership handbook for a greater detail of all membership tiers and respective benefits and responsibilities. •


Reciprocal Clubs

Reciprocal Clubs